Health care “reform” is becoming a quite the conundrum for the Democrats as they struggle to get it passed in Congress. The bottom line is that there is no way to “solve” this problem that doesn’t harm one or more politically powerful segments of the public. For the moment the Obama administration and its allies in Congress have chosen the elderly as the principal loser. This is a very risky choice as the elderly are notoriously defensive about their benefits and vote disproportionately to the rest of the population.
As I have mentioned in my prior post, the Medicare/Medicaid programs are receiving massive de facto subsidies from the private health programs via the price controls contained in the government programs. The idea that we can reduce Medicare costs by 400 to 500 billion dollars by eliminating waste and fraud doesn’t receive much support even from the pro-administration talking heads and none from anyone else. With increasing numbers of doctors refusing to take Medicare patients, additional pressure truly will undermine the program. And, don’t forget this was already a crisis given the pending wave of baby boomers that are now entering the program.
On the other side of the issue, we have the uninsured that basically breakdown into various subgroups each with distinct problems. The most aggrieved are those with pre-existing conditions who can’t get or can’t afford coverage. Then we have those in jobs, usually low paying, that don’t offer health plans. These two groups clearly merit some help. One can pass regulations that prohibit insurers from dropping clients who have developed a serious health condition while covered and develop a system to attack pre-existing condition lockout. However, these reforms will increase the cost of insurance even more on the private insurance sector. Now we have aggravated the mainstream working middle class and their employers. The solution for the working poor most clearly will require massive government support which means taxes.
Then we have the largest group of uninsured those who are temporarily out of work. In a major recession this group is certain to grow. In one sense we have mostly solved this issue with the COBRA bill of the 1970s but the kicker is that in most cases buying your former employers health plan is too expensive for the unemployed. One could create an unemployment health insurance plan that would pay these costs but who would pay for it? The worker with yet an additional payroll tax, the employer, or some split between them?
Two additional groups to consider are those who don’t have employer insurance and can afford to by private coverage but don’t buy it for some reason. Most likely because they don’t believe they will get sick and they would rather spend the money on other things. And, then we have the illegal aliens who crowd the emergency rooms in some states. Bringing the former group into the system would clearly be helpful to reducing costs (probably the only uninsured group for which that was true) but given their choices, mandating coverage would hardly incline them to vote for those making that decision. The public will generally oppose insuring the illegals under a government program and they can’t vote. So providing for them is just a loser politically.
So even with the best of motivations finding an acceptable solution is problematic. But, given our Congress that is driven by diverse special interests, writing five forms of the bill to be hammered out in secret and voted on before it can be understood, one can hardly expect the best motivations. It remains to be seen if the Democrats can patch together a bill that will until all of them in order get it passed in the Senate. It also is unclear whether a success in the fact of public opposition would ultimately rebound to their benefit.
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Oh, my, what a mess.
ReplyDeleteI've come to the conclusion that the Dems are going to really start pushing Amnesty. Like you said, legalizing the illegals would allow them to become part of the Health Care System -which would result in more money coming in thru taxes because they (or their employers) would have to pay for their part of the HC plan.
But, making them legal would not only get a huge new voting bloc for the Dems, but it would also prop up Social Security. Think about it, every time Soc Security gets in trouble, instead of doing something to fix it, they just pull in more people. For example, back in the 80's, they created the Federal Employees Retirement System, which is a mix of Social Security and the "Thrift Savings Plan" (investments). From that point forward, all new Federal Employees were under FERS. Existing Fed Emps (under Civil Service Ret), could opt to change to FERS, and many of them did. That pumped new money into the system. Then they pulled in the military, who are under FERS now, too. Adding millions of legalized illegals would bring in even more money and put off insolvency for another 20 years or so....
And today, it dawned on me that the Senators and Reps from states that have their own "universal health care" (like Mass, Oregon, etc) have added incentive to push for a Federal Universal Health Care. It will eliminate the need for the state run plans, which are bankrupting their states!
Other amendment to the (IRCA) law can be added, but the majority of public opinion demands no path to citizenship or BLANKET AMNESTY. Leave America and apply for an immigration entry visa like honest potential immigrants have for years? If you live in America previously without THE PEOPLES PERMISSION, you will be subject to fines, but not necessarily exempt from an entrance visa. Criminal aliens and anarchists obviously must remain--persona none gratis. A points system must be enacted similar to countries in Europe and even Australia. Points are observed for special highly skilled individuals, specialty engineers, scientists and computer specialists and other equally outstanding credentialed labor that has no equal in our nation.
ReplyDeleteThe deterrent for smuggling yourself and family members into a sovereign country, with no longer is a civil offense. Every business within the jurisdiction of these United States and its territories and islands will be instructed to install E-Verify permanently. A mandatory directive will include criminal penalties for not operating the E-Verification application in all employment. No working person shall be exempt including those who have been on payroll for twenty years or more. New immigrants cannot access any welfare or government subsidies, unless under emergency status. A new stage 2 E-Verify modified to check the persons right to health care, drivers licenses, car insurance, real estate including home purchase. E-Verify could also be adapted to vet a persons voting status in coming elections to halt violations of the law. Within the local Social Security administration those who have remained in limbo, can be verified for any number of irregularities.
In time as E-Verify and its innovations are upgraded, with biometric and photo recognition improvements, the system will certainly pay for itself. Chances are in the coming months rogue politicians whose immigration grading can be viewed on NUMBERSUSA, will try to weaken or drop E-Verify for the favors they owe the US Chamber of Commerce and the nausating special interest groups? Just as they are accomplishing breaking down 287 G, police immigration questioning. ICE raids and other enforcement tools. As I have said before this is all about ECONOMICS. ITS about deteriorating infrastructure, its about the Census bureau stating that in the year 2050, the nation's population is projected to increase by nearly 130 million people -- the equivalent of adding another four states the size of California. Understand about this physical nightmare at CAPSWEB. In conclusion, there is much more information about the corruption in our political parties; not just immigration at the JUDICIAL WATCH site.
A mandated law must be authored that renegade businesses who employ illegal entrants, must be held accountable for the huge bills that hospitals and taxpayers get stuck with?
PAY ATTENTION to the fact that the present Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently endorsing San Francisco's--Sanctuary City--Liberal/Socialist Mayor Gavin Newsom for the new Governor of the State. This would be an absolute atrocity to the legal communities, when Newsom allowed ID for illegal aliens and refused to put young illegal immigrant gang members in the hands of ICE? Indirectly the sanctuary policy that was indifferent to Federal law, was an accessory in the June 22 slaying's of Anthony Bologna and his sons Michael and Matthew. There is already a mayor in Los Angeles who supports the illegal immigrant invasion, so you definitely don't want Gavin Newsom giving bogus identification or welcoming millions more illegal families to extract subsidies from the already cash-strapped Californians.
Actually, I was perhaps a little unclear. I was saying that the people who could afford insurance but didn't by it were the ones that might bring in more net cash. The illegals might bring in more net cash but they all have lots of children that would put more demands on the system as well. I not sure if that is a net plus or not on pure health care dollars terms. And, there are a lot of other costs such as education for example.