Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

President Obama performed up to my expectations tonight. He has decided not to deviate from his liberal agenda regardless of a series of election defeats the Democrats have suffered in recent months. He is leading the Democrats to a major defeat in the off year elections which is exactly what we want.

He did have some useful proposals such as endorsing the expanded use of nuclear energy and increased exploration for offshore oil and natural gas. In addition his support for improving education in science and math are on target. The President’s suggestions on incentives for stimulating small business were encouraging.

However, then we are off to increased educations loans with terms more favorable to those taking government jobs over those in the private sector. Continued support for cap and trade even though there is increasing evidence that the UN IPCC climate change story is flawed. He is still pushing his health bill with misleading claims that would reduce the deficit. He implicitly blames Bush for his problems. He attacks the Supreme Court. He claims he is going to reduce the deficit with a spending freeze while announcing one new spending plan after another. Most of all it was just too long!

I really don’t think that he got the message that the people are sending him.

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